Wearing your pants below the equator can be hot, and sexy to some, but to others it is frown on big time. I am going to take this time to talk about this highly controversial issue.
For starters most people don’t even know where this behavior originated from, and I too at some have no clue, but like the look on some & not other. Prison is where it started! If you have ever been to prison you know the take your belt, and shoe laces away from you don’t get the idea to hang yourself as a means to an end. Not having on a belt cause the pants to sag of the azz, and the lower you sagged the more meaning it had behind the walls. If you wore your pant totally off your azz that meant you were looking for a husband, but all of the is debatable. Worn part way or fully off the azz it definitely give me a reason to look at your azz.
Many people in political positions of power have attempted to makes law that would make the cultural behavior illegal, and pose stiff punishments to those who are violation of this dress code. President Obama said it best! “I have better things to do than impose laws to make people wear the pants up, but on a personal level pull up your pants”. Your mothers, grandmothers don’t want to see your azz. I have to agree with him on some levels about this behavior, but I also have to play the devils advocate, and say it is a personal right for people to wear their pant in any way they wish. If you have a problem with see someone’s azz you have the choice to not look, but please don’t tell me how to wear my pants, what to do, or how to act. It is my choice, and I o as I wish.
What is the age that saggin pants becomes inappropriate? Again it a personal choice! In my opinion at my age I would not wear my pants below the equator, but I have seen many people my age and older who do this, and at a curtain age to me it does not look right. I think this a behavior that looks better on our youth than it does on an older man.
The reason I feel this is a youthful behavior is simply because we all at some point in our lives set out to make a statement that is original, and unique to that time. It is a cultural thing, and each generation tries to make it own contributions. I am not going to say what my generation contributed because that will affectively age me, and I have grown sensitive about my age in recent years.
As a Gay man I can appreciate when I see a younger man wearing their pants off their azz. There are lines that some cross that makes this code of dress less than flattering. Like seeing an old man do it, or someone that is over a curtain weight. Even though I respect their right to do this I sometimes wonder if they take a good look in the mirror before leaving out for the day. Maybe they do, and just don’t care how they look, or maybe they seek that kind of attention. I can’t imagine why they would do that but whatever works inside of their heads is fine with me. The ones that really make me laugh hard are those who sag & be wearing dingy/dirty drawz. I even have seen one guy who was sporting the latest in skid marks. What a fashion statement he was making.
One of the things I find interesting about saggin pants is seeing female following along this line of dress. I really have no opinion on this one, but I will say I find very few heterosexual females doing this, and more Lesbians joining this fashion craze. I guess anything that represents boyz behavior is the direction aggressive lesbians go. Whether right or wrong it does not solely belong to men, and they have the right to do this as well.
At the end of the day I really enjoy imagining what’s beyond those sagging pants. Could be an awful, or incredible sight to see. So continue to wear your pants below the equator, and allow me the pleasure to continue to look at that bump. This will allow me to continue to wonder what is beyond those falling pants.
Holla @ Cha Boi!
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