Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Yell!!!!!!!
“America The Land Of The Free”
Or should it read
“America The Land Of The Free Unless You’re Same Gender Loving GLBTQ”
The SGL/GLBT has faced some serious challenges in America and abroad. Marriage equality, equality in general, and discrimination protection! Discrimination in Employment, and housing! Protections from violence as a result of our lifestyle! All of these barriers has angered me, and made me mad on the highest level. Nothing has pissed me off as much as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
The biggest question I have asked in relation to DADT is how did it ever come to pass? Based on my research the first recorded dishonorable discharge was in 1778 by Lieutenant Frederick Gotthold Enslin was (with the approval of General George Washington dishonorably discharged following a conviction of homosexual sodomy and perjury
The passing of DADT came about during the Clinton administration in 1993 in which he promised while campaigning for his presidency to allow all citizens regardless of sexual orientation to serve openly in the military. (What Happen?)
While researching materials for this blog I found this quote from posted in the New York Times.
Sexual orientation will not be a bar to service unless manifested by homosexual conduct. The military will discharge members who engage in homosexual conduct, which is defined as a homosexual act, a statement that the member is homosexual or bisexual, or a marriage or attempted marriage to someone of the same gender.– quoted in "The Pentagon's New Policy Guidelines on Homosexuals in the Military", The New York Times (July 201993)
Many times during the course of political figures seeking office makes these promises on the road to winning their seat, and after winner forget they have an obligation to keep their word.
Now we are in the Obama administration, and he has said the same things. He has claimed he will work towards the equality of all mankind under the constitution of United States. He has promised while campaigning to pass laws against discrimination against people based on sexual orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression. He has also promised to fight for marriage equality. He has also promised & taken steps to repeal DADT.
DADT has been on the forefront of our president’s agenda, and I must say he is making ground in its process. He has also made progress on some of the other issues he has promised to with towards. Much more work needs to be done, and I know its not possible to complete in only one term.
Our mission as a community of same gender loving people, and those who love & support us is to get in the faces of out politicians, lawmakers, and representative, democrats, republicans, independents, liberals, conservatives, and last our faiths based institutions, and inform them of all the contributions we make to our society. They need a reality check that we do all of the things people of Heterosexuals communities do. The fact is we are no different! I can give you a list of things we do that is the same as the people who oppose us, but you know I have to list everything in the world so it is pointless. The only difference I find in the SGL community that is different from the hetero community is we choose to love people of the same sex. Everything else is exactly the same. Right on down to taxes we pay. If everybody in this world makes the same contributions then why are not granted the equality we have worked hard for and deserve.
DADT is wrong & former President Bill Clinton knew it as he was signing that bill making it a law. To add insult to injury he said it was a means to an end. People can feel free to be who there are as long as it is in secret, in the shadows, and behind closed doors. SGL people and straight people alike put our lives on the line to fight for this thing we call democracy. We die in the name of freedom, and told we can’t be free. Where the since of accomplishment for us? I don’t see it in any shape, form or fashion.
In conclusion If we can’t feel free to live our lives in the open & in the light then why show we be willing to give our live in the name of freedom, and democracy when it is not meant for us. Why are we making the same contributions, and paying the same taxes, but being told we can’t reap the same benefits as heterosexuals do. The constitution was written for the equality of all Americans. I ask when do we get to the equality?
The Pride Cast Show
Age, and gender must be provided in profile, or commented. There will be no exceptions!
Craig (BBOP) Gibson
Pride Network & Show