The Narcissistic Personality
Have you ever met a person that is so into themselves they leave little room for you to be into them? Are you one of those people who are so wrapped up in yourself people is turned off by you? I meet people like this all the time & find it so funny they complain about not having anyone romantically in their lives, and everyone is to blame except the one who needs to take ownership of it. I ask them have you looked within yourself for the answer to that problem? They say it’s not me it’s others! As if they are perfect, and need no improvement on any level. I finally say if that is what you think then you will continue to experience the same problem. Think outside the box & take a personal inventory of yourself; attitude included. There is nothing wrong with liking yourself, but if you have to stop at every mirror to admire yourself then you have a serious problem. How do you fix that problem? Only the one with the problem can answer that question. If all you see is yourself then it’s impossible for you to see what’s beautiful around you. Conceited, self absorbed, self serving, and selfish these are the behaviors and traits of a narcissistic personality. Time to get a clue & the clue is not you! Time to take your head out of your azz! Give yourself a fair shot at happiness. Trust me you will glad you did!
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