The Manipulative Mindset

The Manipulative Mindset

We come across many types of people in our daily lives, but ones who think he/she can manipulate are the ones who really put my boxers in a big ole bunch. They think you’re stupid, and can get you do most anything they want. Many times they are successful when making a weak minded person think & feel a certain kind way of just about anything. They might even get a person do things they are not aware of. Like getting invite to tag along when friend is shopping with a promise for lunch or something. The entire time you in the store they buy nothing but when you get back to where ever you came from you find they boosted items, and made you an unwilling participant in a crime. (Guilty by Association)
The Manipulative mindset are those who I feel evil & hateful people! They seem to enjoy
causing heart ache, pain, and misfortune. It’s not a good look but is this not the mindset of a society who says “Get what you can anyway you can?” Those people take that idea way too literal, and almost feel like they have license to do this.
I am not sure which disappoints me more the manipulator or the manipulatee. The manipulator for manipulating or the manipultee for falling victim when most times than not they know their being manipulated & choose to allow it to happen.
People have minds of their own & sometimes make the conscience choose to not use it while other uses their mind for nothing positive. Are there any positive people left in the world? I am sure there is but it’s like trying to find a pacific grain of sand on a beach. The search in my opinion is a continuous one; a tedious one. Sometime it’s hard to see the good ones & hard to see the bad ones as well.  The good does not stand out because they are not trying to attractive forces that are negative & would take advantage of their kindness for weakness.  The negative, bad, manipulative ones know what they’re doing when they’re doing it & how they’re doing it.
At this point in my life & seem to want to steer clear of both the manipulator, and the weak minded people. Try to find a medium between the two! I know this might be a tall order and I never seem to find people who positive in their outlook on life who stay that way. Personalities change & what was once good might not be today & vice versa. Point is keep your eyes open from the very beginning to the very end. You never know what might fall out of the tree or when it will for that matter.

On a final note manipulation is a behavior learned from a very young age. Even before we knew how to walk and talk we learned how to get what we want. As we got older it transformed into a conscience state of mind. When we do with it, and is a choice we make based on what is best for us


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Discretion Vs. Closeted

Discretion Vs. Closeted

Is there a difference in the two? I believe there is but it’s a fine line drawn in the sands of self identity.
I have encountered all kinds in this journey we call life & have seen it all I guess. From super closeted to ultra discreet to even private. What’s the difference? 
Closeted have not yet master the joy of comfort in their own skin which leaves them at a disadvantage by hiding in shadows of life. God Help them find comfort & joy in self. The problem stems from stigmas, discrimination's fueled by hate of differences. They are in my prayers & have my support always. 
Discreet is the opposite where one is comfortable in the skin, but does not feel the need to broadcast to everyone their sexual orientation. Still another shadow bought on by those same stigmas & discrimination's.
Private seems to be the worst of the three.  Living life out in the open as str8 person and we would never know unless told for some underlining reason. When asked he may or may not tell it. It’s only on a need to know bases, and if he wants you to know he will but you will be bound to that secrecy. Yet another shadow contributed by he same stigma & discrimination's. 
Does anyone know the true feeling of freedom? Does any lives out totally in the open? Don’t all hide who we are from some & totally open about it to others? Living free & open (If there is such a thing) comes with dangers. We limit those dangers by how we represent ourselves, where go & who we know. Why is we can only be true to ourselves in boyz town, where a mask for the comfort of others?  Reduces the attention we could get by just being ourselves seems like a self contain prison if you ask me.
Life is too short to live by societies standards & it’s time we take a good look at ourselves, and learn there is nothing in life more important than breaking the chains of oppression. We need to practice living life as ourselves, and care less about what others thing or feel about the way we life. At the end of the day is those who oppose you pay for you? No! So why care about what other say, think & feel. 
I can sympathize with those that are afraid & fear seems to be our biggest barrier to self freedom, but some point we have to take stand & fight in some way for what we know is right.
I live life out in the open but still feel like I am in a contain prison not of my own making! If I can’t be who I am when ever & where ever I choose then life is only worth living for the fight for a better day. I have been fight most of my life to break free, but one huddle after another is thrown in my way, and I jump over them just to have more put in my way. Do I stop the good fight? No I refine my efforts & try again. 
It’s easy to let other fight on the front line for a better day while others hide in the shadows of guilt & shame. It takes real balls to join the fight & make it happen instead of waiting while other take the lumps, bumps & bruises to free our community & then run in & reap the benefits.
Join Me! 
