Kissing Sons
What is a kissing son?
A kissing son is someone who usually is not your biological off spring, and if it is that is just down right nasty, and wrong in my opinion. A true kissing son is one who is considerably younger than yourself, and looks up to you as a father figure within the SGL community. As a Daddy figure to this younger person you take on the responsibility of aiding the biological parents in raising him. You guide, protect, nurture them, and help them become productive member of our society. Only difference is a kissing son also has sexual relations with their adult daddy’s. Some may frown upon this kind of relationship, and other may support it! Point is as a young Gay person a daddy is better equipped to answer, and give guidance in areas foreign to that young person’s parent. Young people still need to be careful of those who are not trying to help them grow, and instead seek to exploit, use, and abuse them. Not everyone who smile, and has an honest face mean you the best. Beware!
When you have a kissing son it can sometimes be the best relationship that younger person has to help him grow into adulthood as a Gay man. The relationship can be equally as important to the daddy figure who seeks to guide, and influence the mind of the younger generation in a positive way. The morals of heterosexuals are different than those homosexuals. Are they? Point is if Hugh Heffner can have a mansion full of young bunnies hopping around him, and Demi Moore can have a younger husband, and it is not frowned on than why is it so debatable when it applies to SGL community. Point is everyone has an opinion, and has the right to express it as long as you respect my right to choose the path I walk on even if you don’t agree it; it is still my right.
Many times you will find a daddy that has many sons! That does not mean he is having sex with all of them. He might just be that daddy that love to guide the youth in the SGL community in an area where they have a void, and does not know how the approach their parent with their issues. These younger men might not be out of the closet, and has so many questions but unless their have an outlet to express themselves might become troubled. This is where it becomes dangerous! They might not get the guidance they need to be safe in the development of their sexuality. They may engage in risky sexual behavior which could lead to STD’s, or even HIV/AIDS. It could also lead to substance abuse. At worse case could become suicidal, and make attempts to take their own life. Homosexual development can at times be too much to handle. More often than I would like admit young people are force to keep these emotions locked inside, and might know of no other way the escape from their pain. The sigma’s and discrimination attached are a big cause in suicidal deaths in the SGL community.
Everyone has their own way of looking at this kind of a relationship, and it may or may not differ from one person to the next.
What is an appropriate age for having a relationship with a kissing son 17, 22, 32?
This is very hard question to answer and again is different for everyone, but I base it on the age of the old man. See if a 45 year old man is having these relations with someone who is half his age might not be wrong. Again it depends! If the 45 year old man is having a relationship someone less than half again might not be wrong. Now if the 45 year man is having relations with someone who is under the legal age of consent that is wrong, and is punishable by the law. A 45 year old who dates someone as young as 25 is acceptable in my opinion.
It has been said many times to me that “age is nothing but a number” Who told you that lie? Age is more than a number; it is point in time that in itself tells where you have been, and how much you have experienced in your life. An older man has had many experiences in his life. Many things not yet discovered by a younger person! Younger people still much to learn, grow, and experience. The older man should never try to take that away from the youth in an attempt to control them.
Who chases who?
Many times it is the younger person who seeks out the comfort of older gentlemen, but it is the older man who makes the decision whether or not to engage in this relationship. In some, but not all cases the older man like the company of younger men, and opens his heart, life, and sometimes even his bed to younger men. They are fresh and not tainted by the world. Curious and seeks answers to many questions not answer by the traditional family unit.
This is where an older man of the same community is vital. The experiences of the older man is looked at by the youth as a tool to learn from, and avoid many of the negative experiences they have heard of, or know of someone who has gone through rough patches. (I have heard of X, Y & Z, and would not want that to happen to me)
As a younger person at one point in my life sought an older man for the reasons listed above. This was essential to my grown and development, and helped me become the man I am today. Somewhere along the line I became the older men I use to date. Now I am sought out by the younger generation and when I ask what is it about older men you are attracted to the answer is always the same. The very same question was asked of me, and again the answer was the same. (Has time come full circle?) I feel for me it was, and I enjoy not only the company of a younger man less than half my age, but enjoy guiding the lives of a younger person in areas where I was not guided by my traditional family, but was by an older gentlemen who has experienced many of the same issues at some point in their own lives.
So if you see this situation, and know there is no intention of exploitation. Take a step back and look at the entire picture. Don’t be so fast to make hasty judgments. Keep in mind that what is best for the young might not be what most would consider traditional values. The most important value is that younger learns to become responsible and productive members of our society. When that younger person is not getting all of what is need to grow in the house hold than he may seek out the guidance of an older person to fill the gap. He may in fact thrive as a result of it.
Thanks Brother. I enjoyed seeing myself through your words. I can now understand the attraction of younger men to myself, much as I did in my youth and for the same reasons. As an older man I am still attracted to older men (age and wisdom) I am still seeking knowledge having an abundance of time wise experiences to draw upon. Thanks for the Blog... DCBLKLEATHERMAN