Gay Men of African Descent’s Tokes Osubu. | GMAD Steps Down

Gay City News comment: I am in a state of shock over this devolopmement. As a former HIV Educator for GMAD. I know first hand how hard it is the identify new positive with the people of color demograph. I always wondered why the funders are always using funding as a tool to force identifying newly Dx positive in order to gain the funding to operate. During the year I was employed by GMAD I must have tested over a thousand people & only a small fraction test positive for HIV. I know that's not what was wanted but in my heart I was happy the numbers were low. As a humna being it was a relief every time I gave a negative result. Don't get me wrong I thing newly Dx positive needed to be identified so they can get into care. 

Who is to blame? Well it was determined at conference I attended the out success is our biggest failure. Why do you think that is? The education is out there, the meds are working wonders toward prolonging life, and people finally are behaving in a much more responsible manner. Well that is excluding the bug chasers. 

Over the years I have developed a fondness for Tokes. He was always willing to tell you when you doing good and never hestated to tell you when you need to improve in certain areas. How he conveyed that message was not always the lightest or most gentle but rest assured you got message. 

This is not a sad day except for lack of funding which mean GMAD can't afford to service it's target population as much as they once did. I guess & hope the new E.D. Can magicallydo something to turn things around, but we know the same challenges that Tokes faced will be the the same for incoming excutive body. 

I wish Toke all the best in his future endeavored 


Pride Net, Blog, Show.

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